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Web Clap by FC2
cocopie ✏️ 5 days ago
thinking of making a photography section

About me...
I don't really use social media much because I find it repetitive/boring, so I love using neocities and being surrounded by creativity (☆∀☆)~!!

I am an observing Catholic, homemaker, artist, green-thumb, animal lover, health-nut, dreamer. My favourite passtimes are gardening, coding, cooking and looking after my baby boy I don't engage in discourse or politics on here.

Contact Coco


I'm a stay at home mum but I also want to farm bees and make a honey, candle and beeswax business with my boyfriend in the near future !!

....More about the webprincess
Update recipe book
Finish entry card
Blog page
Site resource page

coco is cranking 90s with
randy marsh from south park!

Please do not steal or copy my code! Email me if you want code snippets or help coding your site, I'm happy to help ;-)
Credits + Inspiration
created: Mar 9, 2022 cocopie 2024 © all rights reserved last updated: June 12, 2024